Friday, August 12, 2011

Out for a walk

So, here's a photo of the dish I made with the gorgeous chanterelles I got the other day at the Naschtmarkt:
I sauteed shallots, garlic and a sprig of thyme in olive oil and butter until they were just fragrant, then turned up the heat and added the chanterelles (cut into chunks).  After they'd begun to brown a bit (about 5 minutes), I gave them some salt and pepper. Meanwhile, I cooked a couple handfuls of pappardelle. Now, the plan was that this was going to be a SIDE DISH, but I'm terrible (always have been) at judging how much dry pasta to cook. It always seems like not very much. Anyway, I ended up with more than I intended. Once it was mostly cooked, I added it and some of the pasta water to the pan with the mushrooms and finished cooking it. The pasta water makes such a nice glaze-y sauce. A bit of grana padano on top. It was very good.

Yesterday's weather was gorgeous. Sunny, warm, breezy, without humidity.  I decided it was the perfect weather to take a book down to one of the cafes on the canal.  I took pictures of what I saw along my walk. Here they are:
U-Bahn station at Schwedenplatz.
Lovely, old, ornate building with a McDonald's.
A tram.
The canal.

The next two are a couple of strange sculptures - M & I have tried to figure out who made them and why they're here, but we don't know:
This is the Badeschiff - a ship with a swimming pool.
A bit fuzzy, but the sign points to the direction of Budapest.
I had no idea what this "Fairness Zone" thing was - I'd seen it a few times in different sections of the canal paths. After a bit of searching, I found this information:  Apparently, there are sections of the path that have resulted in conflicts between bicyclists and pedestrians and who has the right-of-way.  These notices on the ground appear to be in sections where bikes tend to go really fast, but it's hard for pedestrians to get out of the way.  Hmmm. I just try to stay to the right side of the path and hope that I won't get whacked by a bike.

There are a number of these cabanas, with dirty foam mattresses inside, all along a section of the canal. They seem pretty creepy.

At my destination with a delicious, cold drink and a book.
On my way home.
That was my afternoon.


  1. gah! i LOVE the badenschiff - what a kooky scene - great pics and making me homesick for vienna!

  2. I haven't been on the badenschiff yet, but it's certainly hot enough to go swimming. BTW, your blog helped me prepare for my new adventure as The Wife in Vienna! Thanks for that.
