Monday, August 8, 2011


Vienna is on the Donaukanal, or Danube Canal, an offshoot of the Danube River. There are walking/biking paths along both sides.  In the summer months, there are cafés, restaurants, and bars along the Canal.

M and I both found it strange that the city has tried to adapt its Canal cafes into "urban beaches" such as:

(photo from

We went there - to Adria Wien - on Sunday to sit in the sun (I did; M did not), read, and drink a couple Radlers (a mixture of beer and lemonade  We sat in chairs at a table, not on the "beach".

A nice Sunday afternoon.

At home, I did a bit of adapting, too.  I wanted to make pizza, but realized too late that we don't have a baking sheet and stores aren't open on Sundays. Like a city without an actual beach, I adapted:

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm. What was on it?
    (it's me, Sarah Church Liebman)
