Thursday, July 28, 2011


The first time I came to Vienna, in February a few years ago, I noticed that there were empty flowerboxes outside M's apartment.  The next time I came, also in February, they were gone.

This is the first time I've been in Vienna in summer (or really, any season other than winter). Our neighbors' flowerboxes are filled and beautiful.

I asked M why we didn't have any. He told me that they had been taken away a while ago because they weren't being used. We discussed getting some, but they wouldn't match everyone else's - which are heavy, ceramic, and fit perfectly into the wrought iron clamps.

Just a day after that discussion, M & I came home and I noticed a well-dressed, white-haired woman watering the ivy in the courtyard.

"That's the building owner, Frau Hausner," M said.  We went upstairs.  I asked if he thought maybe she'd give back the flowerboxes if we promised to use them.  He said he'd ask.

A few moments later, he came back to the apartment to say that she had agreed, and that we had to go upstairs to the attic to retrieve them.  Heavy, dusty, and now, ours!

Our neighbors, Sylvie and Peter seemed pleased that we were going to plant things. I asked where we might buy soil and plants.  Sylvie told me that there's a plant store right across the street from Spar, our grocery store.

Yesterday, on my way to the grocery store, I looked at the flowers outside the plant shop and peeked inside. I remembered that Sylvie said sometimes Spar also has plants.

We're now Basil Farmers!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that basil is all M is eating for the rest of the week after eating all that awesome looking mousse.

    Let me know if you find my passport at the apartment. I still think M hid it.
