Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Beginning of Something New

Last Tuesday, I piled an enormous suitcase (lovingly referred to as "Big Red" by the friends who were more than happy to part with it forever), an enormous dufflebag, another suitcase, a carry-on sized suitcase, a smaller dufflebag, and an enormous box containing a bicycle, into a car.

Then, my belongings and I were put into another car. After I said goodbye to my mother-and-father-in-law, that car took us to Logan Airport.

Those items were then brought to a plane, which flew them (and me) to Madrid. Another plane then brought us from Madrid to Vienna. My belongings and I then got into an SUV, along with my darling husband (M) and his coworker. Once home, M, his coworker and I, brought ourselves and all of my belongings up 4 flights of stairs.


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