Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cooking by the Numbers

Yesterday was M's birthday, so I decided I would shop for ingredients to make a dessert. I knew that it would have to be an uncooked or stovetop dessert, since I haven't figured out the oven yet.  
It's not that it is difficult to light it - it's not - you just stick a lit match into a hole where gas is ready to ignite and *poof* you have a lit oven. Nope, not scared of that at all. And it's not a problem of converting Celsius to Fahrenheit (which, by the way, sounds way more German than Celsius). No... this is the problem:

That is the dial. That is the temperature dial. What I have learned is that 8 is really hot and 1 is still hot, but not as hot as the higher numbers. There is a guide, but I didn't find it very helpful:

Yes. I know that I could write these things down, go to Google Translate (my constant companion).  I chose not to bake a dessert.

So, I decided I would make a chocolate mousse-type dessert. I'd discovered an electric beater the other day, so I thought - this can't be too hard.  Of course, I realized, once I got to the store, that I didn't actually know the word for heavy cream. My recipe called for heavy cream and milk combined. I had milk. I took a guess at cream and was right.  Of course, the picture of a whisk on the front of the bottle was helpful.

I made the mousse; I whipped cream; I used crispy, flaky cookies around the sides; I layered in blueberries and shaved chocolate.

Happy birthday, dear husband.


  1. Look up Nigella Lawson's website - she has amazing recipes all with the gas mark noted for baking!

  2. I had a stove like that in London and, like you, had to get used to using live flame to get it going. Then of course had to learn what all the temps were: Gas mark this, gas mark that. Eventually I got it sorted, as they say in those parts, and you will too, my brave one!
