Friday, February 10, 2012

Paris: Day IX, Part II - Eiffel Tower

We got to the Eiffel Tower around 4:00, and checked to see if we could go up early - our tickets were for 4:30. "Non. C'est pas possible." So... we took photos. Lots of photos.

Photos of the Eiffel Tower:

Photos of each other in front of the Eiffel Tower:

And photos of us together in front of the Eiffel Tower:

The elevator up was crowded. Notice the sign warning of pickpockets.... those signs are EVERYWHERE in Paris.

Paris, apparently, has a pickpocket problem. Bloggers talk about it. Tourism sites talk about it. Even the US Embassy has warnings to tourists about it.

We did not get our pockets picked.

What an incredible view from the second story!

We decided we would get in line for the elevator to the top - the third story - along with everyone else.

Once we got on, we both realized how very, very tall the tower is and how very, very small and crowded the elevator was. I gripped M's hand... Thankfully, there was a group of rowdy Australian guys who were joking about how high up it was, how scary it was, and generally teasing each other in such a funny way that I forgot that I was nervous. Once at the top, my knees were a little shaky and I was hesitant to go outside. It was also really, really windy and cold. Eventually, I went out.

This view was even more spectacular, since the city was all lit up.

We started playing with our cameras...

I'm glad we got to experience it both in the daylight and in the dark. Such a contrast from when we got there in the afternoon:

If you go to Paris, go to the Eiffel Tower. Ignore the voice inside saying "It's for tourists. It's overrated. Don't bother." Yes, there are many tourists, but guess what? You're one of them, so enjoy it. It really is quite spectacular.

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